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The gender equality song

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Let’s sing the égalistique song! Or why not create an emblematic song to unite all those working on gender equality?


What is it about ?

This song, written by French primary school pupils with the participation of the French National Choir Institute, deals with gender equality issues and presents female role models such as Claudie Haigneré, Malala, Matilda, Nicole Abad… It is sung at each meeting to give a sense of belonging and to foster unity, cohesion and well-being.

How to use it ?

If you teach in a French-speaking country, feel free to download the lyrics and the music. If you don't teach in a French-speaking country, then you can use the song for inspiration and write your own gender equality song with your pupils. This writing activity raises pupils' awareness of of gender equality issue throughout the school year.

Resource Language


Teaching Activity

Awareness & Counselling




Teaching Level

Primary School

Discrimination Ground

non-binary definition of gender