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Meet a scientist: Sandra Domagala, Development Engineer

Use this resource to show girls the concrete tasks of an engineer in chemistry and to show the societal value of such a job.


What is it about ?

This 3 min 50 sec video is an interview in Luxembourgish (subtitled in English) of Sandra Domalga. Sandra Domalga is development engineer at DuPont. After introducing the Dupont company and its main products, Sandra explains that her job consists in developing suits to protect people from fire and chemicals. Especially, she develops protective clothes at DuPont. During the interview, you can see Sandra performing her everyday tasks and interacting with colleagues, as well as strolling with her toddler during her free time.

How to use it ?

Use this resource in engineering lessons or counselling sessions to illustrate to girls engineer in chemistry and to show the societal value of such a job. The video also shows that people working in this field can have a real work-life balance. You can combine this video with the brochure Hello Future describing the careers in Materials industry in Luxembourg.

Resource Language



Teaching Activity


Awareness & Counselling



Teaching Level

Discrimination Ground