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Gender-sensitive content in STEM teaching

Have you ever considered that the content used in STEM teaching might be more relevant for boys than for girls ?


What is it about ?

The video showcases the examples of how content can be created in a way that it can be more appealing for both boys and girls.

In many science books, there are still only few women mentioned and the majority of biographies on Wikipedia are about men. Women still lack visibility in certain resources. The video was inspired by real-life situations encountered during reach for this project. The material wants to highlight the possibility of diversifying and enriching content, particularly in the STEM field, using the example of a robot. In the video, the introduction to robotics is made via an example of a truck.

The creators of the video invites us to think about other possible robots and expand our thinking into different industries/ different functions, like dancing robot to introduce this topic.

How to use it ?

The purpose of the video is to raise awareness among teachers about teaching STEM subjects and give a different angle when preparing teaching content in this field. It is an invitation to think about gender neutral content in STEM that would spark interest among all classroom students.

It can be used by educators who are preparing the class as a resource to get inspiration or a starting point when preparing learning activities and assignments in the STEM field.

Resource Language


Teaching Activity


Teaching preparation



Teaching Level

Discrimination Ground