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Card Game Women in Science

By playing a cooperative card game, young people will discover the role of women in STEM knowledge and inventions throughout history.


What is it about ?

This teaching module is part of the guidelines on gender inclusive physics and engineering included in the H2020 project Hypatia toolkit. The project addressed the challenge of gathering different societal actors around bringing more teenagers, especially girls, into STEM careers both in school and as a choice of learning and career in the future. It aimed at changing the ways sciences are communicated to young people in and out of school to make them more gender inclusive. The toolkit is a ready-to-use digital collection of modules aimed at teenagers to be used by teachers, informal learning organisations, researchers and industry. It includes a wide range of hands-on activities: workshops with scientific content, informal discussions and meetings with STEM professionals. This module is composed of three guidelines: – Explanatory guidelines, specific for this activity of card game – Guidelines dedicated to the theme of gender inclusion – Guidelines with suggestions for the facilitation. The activity proposed in the module “School_STEM women – cooperative card game” consists in a cooperative card game, during which the public will discover the role of women in STEM knowledge and inventions throughout history.

How to use it ?

The 13 pages toolkit is available in English and gives practical support and guidance for users, recommendations on how to debate gender approaches and differences with young people, support and guidance for facilitators on how to overcome their own stereotypes and suggestions on how to manage the group dynamics by implementing different facilitation strategies. Teachers can use the activity proposed in the present module with 13-18 years old students in order to make them aware about the role of women in STEM knowledge and inventions, while teaching history of science.

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Discrimination Ground