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Antiracism and Schools - Vol. 2

A booklet full of interesting and original resources experience-based, to guide teachers in the building of anti-racist activities and educational curricula for primary school pupils, inform and promote debate.


What is it about ?

After Volume 1 focusing on primary school pupils and dynamics, this second Volume of "Antirazzismo e scuole" ("Antiracism and schools") originates out of a research-action performed in secondary schools of the Veneto Region (Italy) concerning racism and related scenarios. It brings about reasonings and arguments to contrast racial phenomena also thanks to practical examples and tools, video-interviews and testimonials. Its final aim is to build a collective consciousness concerning racism and historical myths connected to nationality and ethnicity. The resources are meant to face everyday life discriminations via educational lenses, trying to provide for alternative narratives and possible solutions.

The research-action and the booklet were curated by by researchers A. Frisina, F. G. Farina, A. Surian for the Padova University Press, open access online.

How to use it ?

The book is divided in n.3 main parts:

  1. Report of activities and reflections stemmed out of the research-action performed in secondary schools of the territory of Padua (Cap. 1-4) to show how facing racism is strictly connected with historical processes and traditional beliefs;
  2. Video-interviews and testimonials (Cap. 5) provide for concrete situations and practical hints on how to make anti-racism a reality within and out of the schools;
  3. Analysis of didactic materials through the investigation of subjects, prospectives and topics presented to secondary school students, ending up with anti-racist resources and pedagogical frameworks (Cap. 6-7).

Resource Language


Teaching Activity



Resource pack

Teaching Level

Secondary School

Discrimination Ground

race / ethnic origins

socio-economic constraints
