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Antiracism and Schools - Vol. 1

A booklet full of interesting and original resources experience-based, to guide teachers in the building of anti-racist activities and educational curricula for primary school pupils, inform and promote debate.


What is it about ?

Elaborated in the aftermath of an anti-racist research-action performed in some Italian primary schools, this booklet aims at offering indications, tools and materials to teachers in order to help them create their lectures. Video interviews, comic strips and graphic novels will provide pupils with arguments, testimonials and facts to build their consciousness about social phenomena like racialization and discriminatory processes. The research-action and the booklet were curated by by researchers A. Frisina, F. G. Farina, A. Surian for the Padova University Press, open access online.

How to use it ?

This book offers diverse paths of interaction:

  • Theoretical sources and tools (Ch. 2, 3) that provide hints to reflect about racism and to open the debate between peers (teachers) and in class;
  • Testimonials provide their experiences and interesting materials (Ch. 4) to understand the impact of racism on everyday life. Similarly to this input, the book suggests to open the school to social actors that might enrich the discussion with personal insights and experiences within the anti-racism movement, becoming role models for the listeners;
  • Comics/graphic novels to nourish pupils' imagination and critical spirit, thanks to stories of collective positioning and anti-racial resistance to believe in the power of the collectivity against discrimination

Resource Language


Teaching Activity



Resource pack

Teaching Level

Primary School

Discrimination Ground

race / ethnic origins

socio-economic constraints
