Teaching Material

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Action or Reality ?

(See resource description in )

An educational game to address the subject of gender equality


What is it about ?

Edited by IDCREA this board game addresses notions of girl-boy equality, but also highlights the knowledge and involvement of young people on this subject trought reality cards. Action cards push the student to observe what is happening around them and to think individually. And game cards allows you to stay within the framework of a game while having fun.

Each drawn card is read silently by the player and placed in front of another player. Player A who draws the card will thus decide to help or penalize the advancement of player B. It is therefore a game that is played either individually (the first to arrive on planet earth wins) or cooperatively (we all arrive together ).

How to use it ?

The teacher can interact during the game to deepen a subject and/ or reorient a discussion towards STEM subject like what are the stereotypes with women and math?

Resource Language


Teaching Activity

Awareness & Counselling

School life



Teaching Level

Primary School

Secondary School

Discrimination Ground

non-binary definition of gender