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A booklet about gender equality in the playground

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A booklet to explore what gender equality means and how it works in the playground.


What is it about ?

The way in which playground spaces are used depends on the games which are played during breaks and lunchtimes. More often than not these games are gendered: football for boys, chatting in groups for girls. Hence boys take up more physical space than girls, who are often tucked away in a small corner and who mustn’t interfere with the ongoing football match.

The middle space is often used as a sports pitch, mostly football. Girls are sent to the outside of the pitch. Boys who do not play will walk across the pitch it if it is the shortest way whereas girls will go around the pitch. If one of them does not, she will be sent off the pitch. What’s more, girls have accepted the way playgrounds are divided up and don’t question it.

How to use it ?

This booklet can be used as a starting point for collective reflection. Teachers need to brainstorm with their pupils to come up with a weekly schedule of activities that suits everyone. It is also possible to conjure up other non-gender possibilities such as creating an art area, a garden area, a free play area, etc.

Resource Language


Teaching Activity


Awareness & Counselling



Teaching Level

Primary School

Discrimination Ground

non-binary definition of gender